Scenic Alabama

We are dedicated to protecting the scenic character and beauty of Alabama's communities and roadways. We fight against billboard blight and uncontrolled signs that clutter up our business districts, neighborhoods and roads. We work to keep our roadways beautiful by preserving trees. You can help! Let us know what's going on in your city or community. Please support Scenic Alabama by joining as a member.

Monday, April 17, 2006

There's nothing funny about killing puppies

UPDATE 4/30: see below for radio station's response: now threatening to shoot people, too.

UPDATED 4/17 8:45 P.M. with response from Lamar (see end).

Montgomery folks, here's a good example of how outrageous advertising has to be to get your attention - and why billboards can be a real detriment to your community.

How would you like to explain to your six-year-old that some ad agency and radio station thought it would be funny to threaten a puppy to promote their station? In many abusive relationships, the abused partner stays because their beloved pet has been threatened.

This is a perfect example of how billboards turn into blight. Once you allow them, you cannot control what goes on them. You have to hope that the company (in this case Lamar) will use some sense, but that doesn't happen very often. In Lamar's case, they'll decline political expression but seem to have no problem with threatening violence to innocent creatures.

Today's billboards are a far cry from the "Hotel Next Exit" advertisements of long ago. Now, they're like having someone hiding in the bushes at your house, yelling at you every time you pull in the driveway - and you can't tell them to shut up.

Take action on this billboard, and on billboards in general in your community. You don't have to tolerate it.

Here's what you can do:

Contact the radio station: Alice 96.1. Phone 334-396-5477. Fax 334-279-9563. Email radio personalities:

The station is owned by Bluewater Broadcasting, a partnership of Scott McQueen, Rick Peters and Alta Communications. Contact Alta Communications' Managing Partner, Brian McNeill Phone: (617) 262-7770; Fax: (617) 262-9779, or go to and try to submit electronically. I was unable to find an email address. Contact Lamar Advertising/Montgomery at (334) 281-0780 or their corporate office at (225) 926-1000, email

If you can, please leave a comment here if you have taken action. You can also email Scenic Alabama using the link.

UPDATE: This is the response received from Tom Traylor, General Manager to an email sent from a concerned Montgomery resident. (His email is so he must be with Lamar - maybe they worked w/ the station to come up with the concept.)

"I recently received an e-mail from you regarding our radio station billboards. Let me assure you that, after design and re-design, we and the radio station in question both agreed on the current design which has a finger instead of a gun pointing at the dog. The reason we chose this was because the finger clearly identifies this ad as a humorous ad. Believe me, I have two dogs that I love as much as my kids (nearly), so I understand and am sensitive to anything portraying animals in a cruel fashion. This is not one of those ads. I just wanted you to know that those things do matter to us and that we don’t just, arbitrarily, put things up without a process. Thank you, Tom Traylor, General Manager"

The response to Mr. Traylor: "Tom-I really appreciate your return email. Unfortunately, most of us do not see this ad as humorous. To state that the ad is humorous because there is a finger instead of a gun clearly states that your design and re-design folks had a gun in mind when the ad was written. Your process needs to be re-examined. If this is all your ad department can come up with it sorely needs redesign."

Keep those cards and letters coming!

UPDATE 4/30/06 Received this email regarding the radio station's response to your concerns:
Sometime Friday a DJ from Alice was telling about an email received from "a little old lady complaining about our billboard". He went on to say: "...this is what I have to say to you.."and then made a sound like 2 gunshots. Amid uproarious laughter.

I'm speechless.


At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... is the advertising manager at the radio station. E-mail him as well to ask for these -- yes, there are a few of them around town -- billboards down.

With the almost everyday shootings of human beings and the animal abuse in our city, this is not a cute billboard.

At 2:39 PM, Blogger Lisa at Scenic Alabama said...

I'm posting a copy of an email that a concerned citizen sent to the broadcasting company.
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:09 PM
Subject: billboard

Your station should take very seriously the 'puppy shooter' billboard on Madison Avenue, and depicted on your website. So you guys are sponsoring "Walk with the Animals"? Your advertising peope admit that the finger was used instead of a gun. How totally despicable to threaten the public with such an destructive ad. You guys really need a reality check.

I have to pass this billboard on my way to work. Today, and yesterday, there were dozens of school buses in Patterson Field parking lot as well as the parking lot next to the billboard. My guess is plenty of school kids saw this puppy being threatened. This is so dishearteing partivcularly in view of all the violence to which we are exposed each day.

All of the community calendars and all the good works in all the world don't amount "to a hill of beans" when threats are made against a woebegone puppy. You must be desperate for listeners.


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