Scenic Alabama

We are dedicated to protecting the scenic character and beauty of Alabama's communities and roadways. We fight against billboard blight and uncontrolled signs that clutter up our business districts, neighborhoods and roads. We work to keep our roadways beautiful by preserving trees. You can help! Let us know what's going on in your city or community. Please support Scenic Alabama by joining as a member.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Birmingham City Council "Hall of Shame"

These are some of the signs we've seen around town. Let your candidates know what you think!If you have pictures of similar signs in other parts of town, please email us. (See link.)


At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One true blight to our community is unsightly signage left from political campaigns. I hope the local papers get behind us on this and find a way to get the candidates to commit to adhere to the laws for placement as well as commit to removing these. Surely they want there constituents to know that they will personally commit to removing the "trash" left after the election.


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