Scenic Alabama

We are dedicated to protecting the scenic character and beauty of Alabama's communities and roadways. We fight against billboard blight and uncontrolled signs that clutter up our business districts, neighborhoods and roads. We work to keep our roadways beautiful by preserving trees. You can help! Let us know what's going on in your city or community. Please support Scenic Alabama by joining as a member.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Update on U.S. Senate action on billboards

The final version of Sen. Reid's amendment (click here for a copy) is even worse than the first. No protection for local jurisdictions at all, and it applies only to Gulf Coast states, not even to Sen. Reid's home state of Nevada. Scenic America, which is based in D.C., is leading the fight to have this amendment removed.

They have an action page where you can send a letter to your Senator. Click here

There's an article in USA Today about this (link) and Congressional Quarterly covered this issue last week (link). We're hopeful that bringing this out into the light will encourage Sen. Reid to remove this amendment. If he wants to go after the HBA, then it needs to be done in the light of day where everyone who has a stake in the issue can participate in the debate.

We're asking Alabama folks to call Sen. Richard Shelby, who sits on the committee that is considering the amendment, and tell him you support removing it. (D.C. (202) 224-5744 or click here for state office numbers.)

Also, feel free to call Sen. Reid's office (202-224-3542 - press 1 for staff member) and express your opinion as a resident of a state that is affected by his proposal.

If you do take action, please email or leave a comment. Thank you!

P.S. If you like what Scenic Alabama is doing to help protect our communities from billboard blight, please consider supporting us as a member. Information is on our home page. Thank you!

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