Scenic Alabama

We are dedicated to protecting the scenic character and beauty of Alabama's communities and roadways. We fight against billboard blight and uncontrolled signs that clutter up our business districts, neighborhoods and roads. We work to keep our roadways beautiful by preserving trees. You can help! Let us know what's going on in your city or community. Please support Scenic Alabama by joining as a member.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

City of Mobile votes new rules on digital billboards

The Mobile City Council has voted to restrict digital billboards, and they rejected an attempt by billboard interests to put units closer to residential areas.

As originally passed by the Planning Commission, the law would let the back of a digital unit be 250 feet from a residential area. I've been told by someone who attended the Council meeting that the council changed that provision to require the entire billboard to be 500 feet away. This is basically reverting to the original 1994 billboard ordinance.

The new regulations generally require a nonconforming billboard to be removed for each digital unit installed, and also restrict how bright they can be.

You can get an overview of the changes and the vote at the Mobile Press Register.

(The OASIS proposal, for supply caches and ground-level digital ads, was not up for consideration at the council meeting. I will try to have more details on this as it develops.)

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